Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lauren Schleider

Lauren came to class dressed as a doll. -- A "sex doll". She wore a black sequent dress, bright pink pumps, and a china face full of make up. She left a note infront of her that said "Play with me," and then fell inatimate. We removed articles of her clothing, redid her hair, repositioned body parts, and stuck candy in her mouth. Her eyes were wide open, yet the rest of her seemed asleep.
Lauren had originally performed her piece the night before class. She wore the same outfit and had her friend tell random students in the common areas of the campus dorms to "Play with her." (This was a prime time for intoxicated crowds.) People redily took her up on the offer. -- In fact, one male participant put Lauren's mouth on his nipple.
This objectification of the doll figure seems to be the effect Lauren was aiming for. It was about the personification of the female figure as a sexualized being. Lauren also mentioned that her limbs were twisted in all directions, frequently exposing indecent amounts of her body. Even when she sat there, with no affect and no life, certain participants attributed a very sexual quality to her. Her sculpture was that of the sex doll.

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