Friday, May 9, 2008

Inspire Respire

Kristin set up a table with 300 balloons behind the table. The table was labeled with signs advertising free genetically modified air samples. Fellow classmates were passing out short explanations of the benefits of genetically modified air and encouraging them to get a free sample at the table. When a person approached the table, Kristin asked if they had ever tried Inspire Respire before. She had the subject blow into a balloon and 'tested' the balloon to see if they had been exposed to the air. Two things could happen at this point. If they had not been exposed to the air they would receive a free balloon followed by a explanation of the true intentions behind the project. The person was invited to sign a protest against Monsanto which would then be sent out to government representatives. If Kristin decided that someone had been exposed to Inspire Respire and was not currently on the list of purchasers, she signaled to her "Air Police," telling them that there seemed to be a problem. The Air Police would then take the subject to the side and threaten to take away all of their possessions and sue them for everything they had for stealing from the company. After scaring the subject sufficiently, the subject was provided with the explanation and the option to sign the protest against Monsanto.

The concept of patented air should be obviously ridiculous. Air is a life fueling force that is necessary to live. Putting a patent on air would presume that humans can control and own it. Food is another source of energy necessary for survival on even the most basic level. Yet, companies feel that they have the right to patent their genetically modified foods such a corn, tomatoes, potatoes, and soybean. Monsanto is the leading company of organic patents in the world with their patents totaling 674 and growing. Consumers have no rights in that these genetically modified foods legally require no labeling. Studies have shown that genetically modified foods cause gradual deterioration in organs of animals that are fed these foods. Monsanto presents itself as a corporation devoted to increasing the profits of small farmers. However, most crops go to feed not the poor, but to animal feed in already wealthy countries. Furthermore, Monsanto’s corn seeds are aggressive, blowing into other farmers’ fields and taking over. Monsanto sends their “Seed Police” in to test crops in the middle of the night. If a farmer is found with Monsanto crops which he has not paid for, they sue the farmer for massive amounts of money. Most of these are small farmers who do not have the money to pay legal fees, much less contribute their small earnings to the multibillion dollar corporation that is Monsanto. Monsanto is monopolizing the world’s food supply- and doing it with full government support. This is all happening without public knowledge or consent. Monsanto is currently fighting for a patent on selective breeding of pigs, isolating genes so that they produce bigger pigs with less feed needed. If this pattern keeps going, Monsanto will own our rights to all foods. This is an issue that we need to be aware of and take action against. Our future and the future of the human species depends on it. Please spread this information amongst your friends, or even people you don’t know. If you care to get more information, please visit the following websites: 

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