Sunday, March 16, 2008

Connie Shieh

"Once Unhappiness is Recognized, it Cannot be Ignored."

Having been part of several groups of extremely tight knit friends and unhappy with it, I had morphed myself into someone I was not comfortable being. As I was flipping through my archives, I realized that most of the groups that I had immersed myself in consisted of four people, including myself. This structure of four best friends is riveting because there tends to be a pairing off behavior which forces a struggle to maintain and/or further this grand ally. Having jumped from circle to circle with this particular group dynamic, I have found that time and time again, I was easily swayed to do something I did not want to do due to the fact that I did not want to disrupt what we had built.

In response to the Ritual Project, I decided to program a game where the player is trying to catch my unhappiness. Once I fully realized and brought into my consciousness that I was indeed not happy with myself nor the friends I had surrounded myself with, I could not ignore it. The unhappiness was there and its recognition forced me to take action upon it which in a sense broke a seriously detrimental ritual in my life.

1. Refresh browser
2. Click Play
3. Catch/click my grumpy face once you recognize it
4. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 to play again,

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